gclus - Clustering Graphics
Orders panels in scatterplot matrices and parallel coordinate displays by some merit index. Package contains various indices of merit, ordering functions, and enhanced versions of pairs and parcoord which color panels according to their merit level.
Last updated 6 years ago
8.23 score 82 dependents 406 scripts 29k downloadscondvis2 - Interactive Conditional Visualization for Supervised and Unsupervised Models in Shiny
Constructs a shiny app function with interactive displays for conditional visualization of models, data and density functions. An extended version of package 'condvis'. Catherine B. Hurley, Mark O'Connell,Katarina Domijan (2021) <10.1080/10618600.2021.1983439>.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.86 score 6 stars 1 dependents 16 scripts 372 downloadsPairViz - Visualization using Graph Traversal
Improving graphics by ameliorating order effects, using Eulerian tours and Hamiltonian decompositions of graphs. References for the methods presented here are C.B. Hurley and R.W. Oldford (2010) <doi:10.1198/jcgs.2010.09136> and C.B. Hurley and R.W. Oldford (2011) <doi:10.1007/s00180-011-0229-5>.
Last updated 3 years ago
5.75 score 1 stars 3 dependents 42 scripts 498 downloadsbullseye - Visualising Multiple Pairwise Variable Correlations and Other Scores
We provide a tidy data structure and visualisations for multiple or grouped variable correlations, general association measures scagnostics and other pairwise scores suitable for numerical, ordinal and nominal variables. Supported measures include distance correlation, maximal information, ace correlation, Kendall's tau, and polychoric correlation.
Last updated 6 days ago
5.58 score 2 stars 14 scripts 277 downloadsERSA - Exploratory Regression 'Shiny' App
Constructs a 'shiny' app function with interactive displays for summary and analysis of variance regression tables, and parallel coordinate plots of data and residuals.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.88 score 15 scripts 224 downloadsDendSer - Dendrogram Seriation: Ordering for Visualisation
Re-arranges a dendrogram to optimize visualisation-based cost functions.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.74 score 5 dependents 27 scripts 1.4k downloads